Invisalign® Clear Aligners

in Roswell & Alpharetta, GA

Invisalign Clear Aligners: An Invisible Path To a Better Smile!

Traditional metal braces are often an effective treatment option for straightening smiles but come with upkeep requirements and discomfort that come with metal braces means they aren’t always the best option.

If you want to smile with confidence, but don’t want to deal with metal in your mouth, the Roswell and Alpharetta cosmetic dentists of Northbridge Dental have an option for you: Invisalign clear aligners. Learn more about this comfortable and nearly invisible orthodontic treatment from our Roswell and Alpharetta Invisalign dentists, Drs. Galperin and Sotnikov.

What Are Invisalign Clear Aligners?

Invisalign clear aligners are customized orthodontic appliances that gradually shift teeth into their perfect place. They’re made of patented SmartTrack® material, which is strong enough to shift your teeth into their new positions, but comfortable enough to wear for hours on end every day with little to no discomfort. 

Benefits of Invisalign Clear Aligners

Invisalign clear aligners revolutionize orthodontic treatment with their numerous advantages that set them apart from traditional metal braces, such as:

  • Shorter Treatment Times: Invisalign offers the advantage of potentially shorter treatment times compared to traditional braces. The advanced technology and precise planning allow for efficient teeth movement, potentially leading to quicker alignment.
  • Removability: Unlike fixed braces, Invisalign aligners can be easily removed, allowing for greater flexibility during daily activities such as eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. This removability also makes Invisalign especially beneficial for athletes. Invisalign aligners can be temporarily removed during physical activities to provide greater comfort and safety.
  • Easy Maintenance: Invisalign aligners can be taken out for cleaning, ensuring that both the aligners and your teeth stay in excellent condition. Cleaning aligners usually involves rinsing them under lukewarm water and using the provided cleaning kit to prevent the buildup of bacteria and plaque.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Invisalign aligners are crafted from smooth, comfortable plastic material that reduces the chances of irritation or discomfort in your mouth. Unlike traditional braces that might cause abrasions or poking wires, Invisalign offers a more comfortable orthodontic experience.
  • Increased Convenience: Regular adjustments associated with traditional braces are not necessary with Invisalign.This means Invisalign treatment requires fewer in-office visits compared to traditional braces. 
  • Near Invisibility: Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible when worn, making them an excellent choice for individuals who are conscious about their appearance during orthodontic treatment. This discreet option enables you to smile confidently and maintain your self-esteem throughout the alignment process.

The Invisalign Clear Aligner Treatment Process

Initial Consultation

You’ll first attend an initial consultation with a certified Invisalign provider. During this session, your Roswell or Alpharetta Invisalign dentist will carefully assess your oral condition, review your dental history, and engage in a thorough discussion regarding your dental aspirations. This consultation plays a pivotal role in determining if Invisalign aligners are the ideal solution to address your orthodontic requirements.

Supplementary Procedures

In some cases, certain supplementary procedures may be recommended. One such procedure is interproximal reduction, which involves the gentle removal of minuscule amounts of enamel from neighboring teeth. This strategic adjustment enhances the efficacy of Invisalign clear aligners in achieving optimal alignment.


During this session, we’ll take digital photographs and X-rays of your mouth. These images serve as the cornerstone for designing your personalized treatment plan, guiding the creation of your custom aligner trays.

Design and Manufacturing

With the precise imagery from the imaging phase, your dentist collaborates with Invisalign to design your bespoke treatment plan. This plan outlines the incremental shifts your teeth will undergo during each phase of treatment. Following this, Invisalign’s cutting-edge technology comes into play, crafting a series of clear aligner trays tailored exclusively to your dental contours and the treatment blueprint.

Fitting Your Invisalign Clear Aligners

Your dentist will ensure that the initial set of trays fits comfortably and securely. Should this alignment meet the desired criteria, you will leave the appointment with a portion, or in some cases, the entirety of your forthcoming phases of aligners.

Monitoring and Adjustments

Throughout your Invisalign experience, your dentist may request follow-up appointments to track the progress of your treatment and make any necessary refinements. These check-ins facilitate a smooth process, allowing for adjustments and addressing any concerns that might arise along the way.

Using Invisalign Clear Aligners: Step-by-Step Guide

Insertion and Removal

Gently insert your aligners over your teeth, ensuring they fit snugly and cover each tooth. Use your fingertips to press the aligners into place, starting from the back teeth and moving forward. To remove the aligners, use your fingertips to gently apply upward pressure near the back edge of the aligner, easing it off your teeth. Remove your aligners from back to front to avoid tearing them.

Wear Time & Hygiene

Keep your aligners in place for 20 to 22 hours every day, as directed by your dentist. Only remove aligners when eating, drinking (except water), brushing, and flossing. Brush your teeth and floss before putting your aligners back in your mouth. Follow the schedule provided by your dentist for switching to a new set of aligners, typically every one to two weeks

Adjustment to Speaking

It’s normal to experience some initial discomfort with each new set of aligners as your teeth adjust. Practice speaking while wearing your aligners to adjust to any temporary speech changes.

Maintenance and Cleaning

Clean your aligners regularly using the provided cleaning kit or mild soap. You can also use Invisalign cleaning crystals or their ultrasonic cleaning station. Avoid using hot water as it can distort the aligners. Rinse your aligners with water before putting them back in your mouth. 

Remove your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water to prevent staining and damage. After eating or drinking, thoroughly clean your teeth before putting the aligners back in. Attend any follow-up dental exams scheduled by your dentist to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments.


Always store your aligners in their protective case in a place that’s easy to remember when not wearing them. Avoid leaving your Invisalign exposed to air or sunlight, as this can cause damage or warping. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Invisalign clear aligners truly invisible?

Invisalign aligners are extremely discreet and blend with your natural teeth. While they are not completely invisible, they’re significantly less noticeable than traditional braces. Their clear and thin material makes them difficult to detect, allowing you to go about your daily activities with confidence.

Can I remove my Invisalign clear aligners for special occasions?

Yes, one of the benefits of Invisalign is its removability. You can remove the aligners for special occasions like weddings, important presentations, or photos. However, it’s crucial to wear them for the recommended 20 to 22 hours per day to achieve optimal results within the expected treatment time.

Will orthodontic treatment with Invisalign clear aligners be painful?

While some discomfort is normal during the initial days of wearing a new set of aligners, it’s typically mild and temporary. Any discomfort is a sign that the aligners are working to shift your teeth. Over-the-counter pain relievers and eating softer foods during this time can help alleviate any discomfort you might experience.

How do I handle Invisalign clear aligner loss or damage?

If an aligner is lost or damaged, it’s best to contact your dentist or orthodontist as soon as possible. They will guide you on whether to move on to the next set of aligners or use a previous set until a replacement is provided. It’s crucial to maintain the recommended aligner progression to avoid delays in your treatment timeline.

Start Your Journey To A Straighter Smile, No Metal Necessary

Today, there’s no need to undergo orthodontic treatment with distracting, unattractive metal braces. Contact Northbridge Dental and schedule an appointment with your Alpharetta Invisalign dentists, at (678) 319-0210 and (678) 352-9890 in Roswell, GA. Ask us how Invisalign can help comfortably and discreetly start you on your journey to a straighter smile. We also serve surrounding locations including Crabapple, Suwanee, and John’s Creek, GA.