Dentures and Denture Repair

In Roswell and Alpharetta, GA

The Full Smile You Want When You Want It

Full and partial dentures allow many patients to easily and affordably restore their smiles, but long wait times for denture manufacturing and denture repair can hinder their daily lives. Thanks to advancements in modern dentistry, you won’t have to wait weeks to get the smile you want or to have your denture restorations fixed. 

At Northbridge Dental locations, our Alpharetta and Roswell restorative dentists offer ten-day full and partial dentures and same-day denture repair. Discover how Dr. Galperin, Dr. Sotnikov, and our dental team can more quickly restore your healthy smile with denture solutions.

What Are Full & Partial Dentures?

Full and partial dentures are false teeth worn comfortably in the mouth to replace missing teeth. These dental prosthetics mimic or blend in with your natural smile to give the appearance of a complete set of teeth. They’re set into a gum-colored base and use suction, adhesive, or hooks to remain secure. Dentures are usually made of a mixture of multiple materials, such as acrylic resin, porcelain, nylon, and metal.

Full Dentures Vs Partial Dentures

The main difference between full and partial dentures is their function. Full dentures are designed to replace entire arches of teeth and rely on suction and/or adhesives to remain in place. Partial dentures are designed to only replace a few adjacent teeth in an arch, relying on hooks that attach to the teeth closest to the space to keep the restoration in place. 

Benefits of Full and Partial Dentures

  • Affordability – Full and partial dentures are affordable for most patients.
  • Simple Use & Simple Maintenance – Dentures are easy to use and care for. 
  • Improved Bite – Full and partial dentures restore some of your bite force, helping you properly chew food for improved digestion, better nutritional absorption, and a reduced risk of choking.  
  • Improved Speech – Full and partial dentures prevent lisps and speaking impairments caused by tooth loss.
  • Supports Your Facial Muscles – Losing teeth often means your facial muscles lack support, which can lead to premature wrinkles. Full and partial dentures restore that support and preserve your facial shape.
  • Smile With Confidence – Full and partial dentures help fully restore the look of your teeth so you can take pride in your smile.
  • Ten-Day Manufacturing & Same-Day Repair – Northbridge Dental can make your denture restorations in less than ten days or repair them the same day. You can enjoy the benefits of a full smile with less time spent going toothless or experiencing discomfort due to dentures that don’t fit right. 

Ten-Day Denture Manufacturing & Same-Day Denture Repair

We understand that going without teeth, especially for extended periods of time, can be debilitating. That’s why our dental technicians work to make your new full or partial dentures in ten days or less. Additionally, if you have dentures already but they’re damaged, causing discomfort, or don’t feel right, we can have them repaired in 24 hours or less. The quick turn-around times for denture creation and repair mean you can enjoy your best smile as much as possible.  

The Full and Partial Dentures Process

Initial Consultation

Before you can be approved for full or partial dentures, you’ll attend an initial consultation with one of our skilled restorative dentists, at our Alpharetta or Roswell locations. During your appointment, your dentist will thoroughly examine your mouth, review your medical history, determine your level of tooth loss, and ask you about your smile goals. From there, your dentist will discuss your other viable treatment options so you can make an informed decision. 

Designing Your Full and Partial Dentures

Once you and your dentist have decided to go forward with dentures, we’ll take images and impressions of your smile. These will be sent to our technicians, who will use them as blueprints for your denture restorations. You’ll return to our Alpharetta or Roswell dental office when your denture restorations are ready. 

Wearing Your Full and Partial Dentures

When you return to one of our dental offices after ten days, your restorative dentist will show you your new dentures and make sure you approve of them. Then, they’ll check the fit and give you instructions on how to wear and care for your appliance. From there, you’ll enjoy a fully restored smile. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do full and partial dentures last?

Full dentures tend to last an average of five to 10 years, while partial dentures tend to last an average of 15 years. However, the longevity of your full or partial dentures will also depend on how well you care for them, and whether or not you keep up with routine dental visits. See your denturist at least every six months to maintain your dentures and your oral health. 

How do I care for my dentures?

To maintain your full or partial dentures, it’s important to follow the guidelines your restorative dentist gives you. Common rules to follow when using dentures include the following: 

  1. Practice proper oral hygiene by brushing and flossing any remaining teeth before putting your dentures in.
  2. Clean your dentures every day with a toothbrush and denture toothpaste.
  3. Soak your dentures overnight in water or a specially-made cleaning solution.
  4. Rinse your dentures thoroughly before putting them back in your mouth.
  5. Clean your dentures after you eat. 
  6. Visit your dentist as soon as possible if your dentures start to feel loose or make your mouth sore.
  7. Avoid using bleach, harsh bristles, or hot water to clean your dentures as these can weaken and damage them.

Are full and partial dentures covered by insurance?

Dentures are a necessary and affordable restoration, so your insurance provider should cover at least some of the cost. It’s important to contact your insurance provider beforehand and ask them which costs your plan can cover. If you’re underinsured or uninsured, we offer financing options, including third-party financing through CareCredit and LendingClub. 

How are full and partial dentures supposed to fit?

Dentures are supposed to fit securely but comfortably and remain in place when you eat, speak, and smile. If your dentures are frequently sliding in your mouth or they’re causing you discomfort, it may point to a problem such as damage or a need for adjustment. Contact our dental offices, and we’ll have your dentures repaired in less than 24 hours. If they can’t be repaired, your dentist can usually offer you new dentures in ten days or less.

Visit The Best Denture Dentists Near You At Northbridge Dental!

Northbridge Dental is proud to offer dentures that can be produced in ten days and repaired in one. Our patients can enjoy all the benefits of a full smile without going toothless for weeks waiting for their dentures to be made or repaired. 

We offer denture solutions, as well as denture repair services to patients from Alpharetta and Roswell as well as surrounding areas such as Crabapple, Suwanee, and John’s Creek, GA. Learn more about our fast denture services by calling our Alpharetta office at (678) 319-0210 or our Roswell office at (678) 352-9890. You can also fill out our contact form, and a team member will be with you shortly.