Dental Exams

in Roswell & Alpharetta, GA

The Importance of Regular Dental Exams

One of the most effective ways to maintain your healthy smile is through general dentistry. General dentistry, also called preventive dentistry, is concerned with preventing oral health issues or catching them in their earliest stages. This allows for treatment that is more effective and typically less invasive. With general dentistry, it’s often possible to eliminate the need for more expensive, time-consuming, and uncomfortable procedures. 

One of the most basic and necessary tools available through general dentistry is regular dental exams. At Northbridge Dental, our exams include professional cleanings, examinations, and oral cancer screenings. These methods allow us to enhance, maintain, and track your oral health. 

In order for general dentistry methods to be effective, it’s important to visit Northbridge Dental at least twice a year, or once every six months, for oral exams. Keep reading to learn more about every step in the process of your dental exam and how it can benefit you.        

Oral Exam

During your oral examination, Dr. Galperin will examine your mouth, throat, and jaw using sight, touch, and specialized tools. She’ll check for signs of conditions such as gingivitis, gum recession, resorption, and tooth decay. Dr. Galperin may also order X-rays or have our team take pictures to gain a better understanding of the structures she’s examining.  

Oral Cancer Screening

According to The American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 54,000 new cases of oral cancer in 2022. Fortunately, early detection yields survival rates as high as 90 percent. Protecting you from oral cancer is one more reason why we prioritize general dentistry. 

Our method of choice for an oral cancer screening is ViziLite® Plus with TBlue®. Vizilite Plus with TBlue is the leading oral cancer screening system that was developed to help oral healthcare professionals identify, evaluate, monitor, and mark abnormal oral lesions suspicious for pathology including precancerous cells and cancer that may be difficult to see during a regular visual exam.

How Do Oral Cancer Screenings With Vizilite Plus Work?

Oral cancer screenings with Vizilite Plus are simple and should only take a few minutes. First, we’ll have you rinse with a special solution to wash away debris and increase testing accuracy. Then, we’ll examine the inside of your mouth using the specially designed Vizilite Plus fluorescent light. 

Under the light, lesions and abnormalities will appear a different color from the rest of your mouth. We’ll mark these abnormalities with TBlue dye, take an intraoral picture, document the results, and send them to a lab for testing. Thanks to the properties of the TBlue, it remains in cancerous and precancerous tissues, so cancer is rarely missed.

If oral cancer is detected, we’ll let you know our findings so you can begin treatment with a specialist as soon as possible.

Professional Cleaning

During your routine exam, you can expect a gentle, professional tooth cleaning. Using a special tool and a mirror, we’ll remove built-up plaque and tartar from your teeth and around the gumline. Removing plaque and tartar prevents them from penetrating your gums and causing disease. 

We’ll gently brush your teeth using an electric toothbrush and toothpaste, then gently floss between your teeth. We’ll finish your cleaning with a liquid fluoride rinse to remove any leftover buildup and polish your teeth with a special dental varnish.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I have to have dental exams every six months?

Attending regular dental exams at Northbridge Dental will allow us to keep better track of any dental issues and maintain your oral health more effectively than if you saw us only once a year. In some cases, such as when you’re combating an oral disease, we’ll recommend you see us more frequently so we can do more to improve your oral health and prevent future issues. 

Do routine dental cleanings hurt?

While you may feel intimidated by the tools we use during your cleaning, don’t worry. Routine cleanings are painless procedures that require no anesthetic. At most, you’ll experience slight discomfort. If you experience pain or sensitivity during a routine cleaning, it may point to oral health problems such as tooth sensitivity or gum disease, that we can diagnose and treat.

What can I do to improve my smile at home?

  • Brush at least twice a day for at least two minutes.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Don’t brush your teeth aggressively.
  • Floss at least once a day, preferably before bed.   
  • Rinse with water or mouthwash between meals.
  • Avoid tobacco products. 
  • Limit foods and drinks that can stain or damage your teeth such as coffee, tea, red wine, dark berries, and curry. 
  • Eat a balanced diet that’s low on sugar. 
  • Stay hydrated. 
  • Exercise regularly to improve immune function. 

Regular Dental Exams Save Your Time, Money, and Oral Health

When you visit Northbridge Dental for your routine cleanings, exams, and oral cancer screenings, you’re making an investment — not just in your smile, but your overall health. Prevention is half the battle when it comes to a healthy smile and by attending biannual exams at our Roswell and Alpharetta offices, you can save yourself the time, money, and pain of more invasive treatments.

To learn more about what we offer at our dental exams, or to schedule an appointment, call our Alpharetta Office at (678) 319-0210 or call our Roswell office at (678) 352-9890. You can also fill out our contact form and a friendly staff member will get back to you shortly.